1xRUN "Too Bad So Sad"

1xRUN "Too Bad So Sad"


Kelly Golden Art Print - Too Bad So Sad - Standard Edition | 1xRUN

It is easy for all the little things in daily life to pile up and bring one down. Maybe it is long hours at work. Maybe it is kids keeping you up. Maybe credit card debt. Maybe aches and pains. Whatever your thing is, it can suck. Well 'too bad so sad' is here to remind you to lighten up. Or at least that is how I choose to interpret the message. Take an axe to the little things, leaves room for the big issues.

I tried looking for a site that might be selling a 'pre-owned' copy for my 'collection', no dice. But I did find a interesting listing for 'too bad so sad' one artcollectorz.com. I will definetly be poking around artcollectorz.com a bit.

This print was for sale brand spanking new on the constantly diverse 1xRUN. Currently this print is available(?) if one is willing to "INQUIRE" within. Guessing the cost might be a little more that the $40.00 that artcllectorz.com has it listed as costing on offering. I can be inquisitive, and I wouldn't mind owning this print.